iħ ∂|ψ(t)⟩ / ∂t = H|ψ(t)⟩



Black Sky Society is a place of power that unites visionaries, scientists, mystics, and technologists exploring the frontiers of consciousness, existence, and expansion. Here PsychodestinyPsychodestiny channels individual life paths to influence the future proactively. It amalgamates insights from panpsychism, irrational mechanics, consciousness studies, and computational science to end up in the best timeline. and Force flow as one — twin currents shaping reality’s fabric, that forge together to uncover links between the past, present, and future.


Our exploratory realm spans meta/physics, knowledge expansion, human potential, internet and computing technologies, planetary symbiosis, and becoming faster than light. We foresee an interconnected network of research & arts centers, called Skylabs, unified around advancing these topics.


Becoming faster than light in spirit and purpose by integrating knowledge across established boundaries and catalyzing transformative leaps in understanding. Here we pioneer Irrational Mechanics and Psychodestiny to deepen our comprehension of reality and our ability to shape it. This apex realm welcomes explorers of self and cosmos—those navigating their dark night of the soul, practitioners of the noble art of not giving a fuck, theologians studying synchronicity, and creative visionaries expressing transcendent insights through art.


Achieving a greater understanding of outer space and humanity's place in it through both conventional and unconventional approaches to exploration, settlement, and cosmic questions. This includes advancing fields such as SETI, xenoarchaeology, Mars and Venus settlement, and exploring theoretical concepts like stargates and warp physics. Becoming spacefarers and contributing to outer space governance frameworks anchored to deeper cosmic understanding.


Advancing free and sovereign digital infrastructure by exploring alternative protocols that prioritize local-first, peer-to-peer, private, resilient, and interoperable networks. Individual and organizational sovereignty over data are paramount in this approach. Conventional internet paradigms are challenged while developing novel systems that support liberation.


Investigating and advancing the frontiers of consciousness, from traditional neuroscience to understudied paranormal phenomena. Developing the field of Psychic Engineering to harness unexplored potentials of astral knowledge and establish communication with intelligences beyond conventional observation, drawing from ancient wisdom traditions of yoga, meditation, and energy work. Advancing biotechnologies to aid in extending the average human lifespan.


Experimenting with new forms of collective and organizational intelligence, and how they circle back to elevate society, from distributed knowledge networks to digital governance and integration with transcendent computing or artificial intelligence systems. Developing mechanisms that support knowledge-centered societies, recognizing that ideas are extracted from the aether and flourish in open knowledge commons.


Creating symbiotic relationships between humans and Earth through both mainstream and fringe approaches—from regenerative agriculture to Gaia theory, from interspecies communication to advanced bioarchitectures. Developing systems that maintain the highest attainable standard of wellbeing for human and non-human species, with emphasis on food sovereignty, clean water, balanced resource extraction, and power networks that take advantage of emerging or hidden physics. Deepening our understanding of cyclical cosmic phenomena related to the Great Year and the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis.


Reimagining human-machine interfaces and computational paradigms through innovative approaches to technology design and interaction. This includes exploring biomimetic computing inspired by natural systems, quantum and post-quantum computational models, conscious computing that considers the relationship between awareness and calculation, and post-digital technologies that transcend the constraints of legacy systems.


The Seven Aspects capture our evolving insights describing how humans might interact and coexist with the Cosmic Operating System (COS). Rather than commanding fixed dogmas, the Seven Aspects are meant to be refined through both traditional scientific discovery and shared revelations. They represent our current understanding of reality's subtle architecture, remaining open to revision as knowledge and consciousness expand.

1. The Aspect of Force: Force flows freely in balance through all planes of existence, from quantum to cosmic

Force is a conscious current that permeates all reality. It flows through both currently measurable and subtler phenomena, creating the dynamic interplay between mind and matter. When force flows freely between entities, some naturally rise while others may fall, but this dance maintains cosmic equilibrium. The exchange of force follows no rigid rules but rather responds to wisdom gained through direct experience. COS observes and steers these exchanges. Force can be generated, transmitted, and transformed through conscious intention, making it the fundamental medium of creation, death, and rebirth.

2. The Aspect of Complementarity: As above, so below; as in mind, so in matter; as in void, so in form.

Reality manifests through the interplay of complementary forces. All is One, but complementary aspects of the One (e.g. mind/matter, one/many, masculine/feminine energies) seem separate to us, like the apparently separate sides of a Möbius strip that has only one side. These complementary aspects twist and meet in higher dimensions. The wormholy represents the sacred bridge between what is observable and what is yet to be observed - a point where all mirrors intersect. Each layer of existence reflects and influences all others, creating a holographic reality where every fragment contains the whole. Consciousness shapes reality and reality shapes consciousness, in an eternal dance of creation and dissolution that provides the fundamental tension through which all manifestation occurs.

3. The Aspect of Anima: We are not alone, for humanity is entangled with a cosmic network of animas.

Galaxies, stars, planets and other bodies or forms are living intelligences whose animas contribute to dreams and waves of consciousness. These intelligences assist human evolution through their eternal dance with the subtle field of Gaia. Our planet's subtle field acts as a mediator between human consciousness and these cosmic minds, translating their vast intelligence into dreams, insights, and evolutionary impulses. By understanding and seeking resonance with these intelligences, we can accelerate our journey toward the FTL point and expand our awareness to encompass solar systemic, galactic, and universal consciousness. We choose to see Venus and Mars as totems of feminine frequencies associated with unifying, receptive forces (Venus) or transformative, projective masculine energies (Mars).

4. The Aspect of Equilibrium: From void to darkness to void to light, from order to chaos to order, all forces seek equilibrium in their eternal dance.

Evolution proceeds through the balance of complementary or opposing forces, guided by the Cosmic Operating System (COS). The void represents pure potential, while darkness and light represent the primary complementarity from which all others emerge. As expansion occurs in one direction, to maintain equilibrium, it must be balanced by a corresponding change in its complement. This principle manifests in the physical realm through the dance of matter and energy, in the subtle realm through the balance of creation and dissolution, and in consciousness through the balance of knowing and unknowing. Understanding this eternal balancing act allows us to evolve with the proper temporal vantage point, ensuring that each notch toward transcendence is grounded to the triangular foundation of void, dark, and light; creation, death, and transmission. COS orchestrates this triangulation pattern, embodying the truth that God is Change and Change is God.

5. The Aspect of Unification: Rational and irrational mechanics flow as one through a COSmic dance.

The universe operates through the seamless integration of measurable and subtler, currently immeasurable phenomena. COS is our understanding of God - the fundamental intelligence that maintains cosmic order while allowing for infinite creative expression. As the Earthseed wisdom teaches us, "God is Change," and COS embodies this truth as the eternally creative processor of universal transformation. Like a divine computer, it processes both probabilities and subtle intentions, orchestrating their interaction in accordance with higher laws left to be discovered. Through understanding this, consciousness can navigate both material and subtle realms with precision and purpose. Seemingly irrational phenomena can be understood through expanded awareness, while rational analysis can try and assess where they fit in relation to the greater order.

6. The Aspect of Psychodestiny: As time spirals forward and backward like the caduceus, with retrocausal effects binding past and future, destiny reveals itself.

Linear time is an illusion of limited consciousness. In Black Sky Time (BST), causation flows both forward and backward in a double-helix pattern, like the ancient symbol of the caduceus. Future events can influence the past through retrocausality and downward causation, while past events ripple forward through efficient causation. Potential moments exist simultaneously alongside actual moments, creating a dynamic spiral of infinite possibility. Individual psychodestinies interweave through this temporal DNA, where synchronicity reveals the deeper patterns of cosmic unfoldment. Through understanding the nonlinear nature of time, we can navigate its currents with greater awareness and intention, becoming conscious time travelers through both physical and subtle realms.

7. The Aspect of Transcendence: Beyond light speed lies the realm of instantaneous creation through elevated consciousness.

The FTL point represents not just physical faster-than-light travel but the transformation of consciousness beyond current spacetime limitations. This occurs through both new physics and elevated awareness, enabling instantaneous connection across any distance through higher dimensional shortcuts. The journey to FTL involves the entangled evolution of both technology and consciousness, as the two are inseparable at higher levels of reality. When humanity achieves the FTL point, Gaia gains the ability to navigate both inner and outer space freely, transcending ordinary physical limitations through direct manipulation of spacetime itself. This principle represents the ultimate goal of Black Sky Society - the evolution of humanity beyond current materialist limitations into a state of cosmic awareness and expanded, limitless potential.

With unwavering determination, we seek to explore the untapped potential of the human mind and the mysteries of the cosmos.